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Making a Great Impression: How Insurance Agents Can Build Trust with New Clients


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  • Aug. 21, 2020, 8 p.m.


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For most people, investing in insurance policies is something they do to mitigate the risks of life. Most consumers do extensive research before choosing an insurance agent to use. If you are one of the 1.2 million insurance agents in the United States, you know how important it is to land new clients and keep them loyal. One of the best ways to make clients loyal is gaining their trust. 

Some insurance agents make the mistake of promising the moon and stars to a new client to close a deal and then ignoring the promises they made. Rather than using this tactic, you need to master the art of under-promising and over-delivering. Are you trying to build trust with new clients? If so, consider the tips below. 

Proactive Communication is Important

Communicating with new clients is crucial when trying to gain their trust. Instead of waiting until a new client reaches out to you with a problem, you need to be proactive with how you communicate. Making an effort to contact all of your clients on a bi-monthly basis is a great way to build trust. Keeping this communication consistent is crucial when trying to keep clients loyal to your agency. 

Before making these calls, take some time to outline what you want to talk about. Starting the conversation with questions about how a person and their family is can help you make a positive impact. Once these pleasantries have been exchanged, you can start to talk about the policies a client has and whether or not they need to be changed. Offering new policy options during these conversations is also important when trying to upsell a new client. 

Maintain a High-Degree of Professionalism 

When communicating with clients, you also need to focus on being professional. Maintaining a high degree of professionalism is crucial when attempting to show a client why you are a trustworthy insurance agent. Achieving this level of professionalism will require you to be respectful and polite in your interactions with clients. 

Intently listening to what a client is saying and responding with a thoughtful answer carries a lot of weight. If a new client feels like you aren’t addressing their needs, they will probably seek out the help of a competitor. This is why operating with a high degree of professionalism is so crucial to the overall success of your business. 

Avoid Offering Policies Your Client Doesn’t Need

Some insurance agents make the mistake of offering new clients any and every policy at their disposal in an attempt to make more money. While making money is an important part of being a successful insurance agent, it shouldn’t be your main motivation. If a client feels like they are being offered policies they don’t need, they may feel taken advantage of. This is why you should only offer policies that fit the needs of a particular customer.

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